Our Public Commitment to UAE Net Zero Targets
In line with the aspirations of the UAE Government’s Net Zero 2050 commitment, as well as Oscar’s mission to create a world where businesses can profit, grow, and succeed sustainably, this is a public commitment by Oscar Limited and its leadership to meet our internal Net Zero Target by 2030. As a tech-startup focused on […]
Corporate Social Responsibility in MENA
What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that allows companies to take into account the social, environmental, and economic impacts of their operations and decisions. It involves a company taking responsibility for its impact on society and the environment, and working to make a positive contribution to the […]
Sustainable Procurement in MENA 101
Sustainability and sustainable development have been hot-button issues in recent years. Countries in the MENA region have been quick to embrace the UN SDGs and incorporate them into national policies. UAE Vision(s) 2021, 2071, KSA Vision 2030, and Oman Vision 2040, among others all incorporate the UN SDGs and provide a high-level policy that guides […]